Saturday 29 March 2014

When No One Wants To Buy Your Script - Steve Kaplan

It's that heart-breaking moment of realisation—no-one wants to buy your script. What now? Give up? Take up serious drinking? Bore people to death whining about the glass ceiling, or whatever ceiling it is that keeps guys out?

Steve Kaplan has some constructive alternatives for you to consider. Have a listen to this excerpt of another great Film Courage interview.

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Unknown said...

Great excerpt. Very positive. Thanks...

Unknown said...

Great excerpt! Very positive. Thanks for making. Picked this up off Twitter feed.

Unknown said...

Steve Kaplan certainly seems to have his hand on the pulse of movie-making. He says Australia doesn't make many rom-coms. I wish he was wrong.

There are a lot of Kaplan screenwriters, aren't there!